2019 Wisconsin Foosball State Championships Press Release
February 22, 2019
Appleton, WI—The Wisconsin Foosball Organization, in partnership with International Foosball Promotions (IFP), will host the Wisconsin Foosball State Championships in Appleton as part of the Foosball Pro Tour. The event will take place on March 8-10, 2019 at Mad Apple Billiards, 3025 W. College Avenue.
The Wisconsin Foosball State Championships is one of many tournaments held across the U.S. on the Foosball Pro Tour. Players from all over the nation will travel to Appleton to compete against one another in variety of events – including both singles and doubles. Men, women, and children of all skill levels, beginner to professional, are eligible to compete against one another.
Tournaments on the pro tour don’t use your typical home foosball table, but an exceptional top of the line model. The Tornado Tournament 3000 (T-3000) table is the standard competition table in the U.S. market, and used on the Pro Tour and World Cup Championships. IFP observes International Table Soccer Federation (ITSF) rules for all tour events.
“We are thrilled to be part of the Pro Tour with International Foosball Promotions,” Tournament Director, Brett Nooyen said. “It’s the goal of the Wisconsin Foosball Organization to continue to grow the sport of foosball in Wisconsin. There are smaller tournaments and leagues held across the state, but the State Championships is our pinnacle event. This year we are able to pay out a guaranteed minimum of $7,500 across a number of events.”
The Wisconsin Foosball Organization was awarded a grant of $2,000 from Fox Cities Sports Commission, which will help fund some of the cost of hosting the tournament. Financial support for the grant is provided by the Fox Cities Convention & Visitors Bureau, as well as fundraising efforts by the Fox Cities Sports Commission. The Fox Cities Sports Commission Grant program is designed to help create, attract, and grow high quality sporting competitions and events which stimulate the Fox Cities economy through increased visitor spending and advancing the quality of life for residents.
“This year is the first for Appleton to host the event, and we are expecting to attract a record number of players—and spectators. This is a great opportunity to see some of the best foosball players in the world compete,” says Nooyen.
The tournament will begin at 7pm on Friday, March 8, with a draw-your-partner (DYP) event open to all skill levels.
Brett Nooyen
Tournament Director
Tournament flyer attached.
Wisconsin Foosball facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/6284739588/?hc_ref=ARTTSvMcNRTDRXuYWj4BOe8HVEP-UmNtBJjE6zd_BjSuDR_QSbjoGSW_2Hu2KpvmRGU
WI State Foosball Tournament event page on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1974238989363850/
Fox Valley Fooz facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/297333757375199/
IFP Tour page: http://www.ifptour.com/